Saturday, April 24, 2004

Pat Tillman is dead. I never saw it coming. I knew that he was brave for joining the Army so that he could help fight terrorism, but i never considered the fact that he could actually die. This guy gave up everything for one cause. A cause that I don't even believe in very strongly. I have a much better cause than he did, and yet I show remarkably little passion towards my cause.

My cause is to become more and more like Jesus every day. I act as if I have many more decades in which to accomplish this. Days, weeks, and months pass by quickly, and I hardly blink. I watch the world around me change and wish that I could be a part of it. I want to change the world now. I don't want to start a path that someday might change the world. That is not good enough. What if I choose the wrong path? What if something goes wrong? What if I fail? What if it is different than I planned it to be? Who cares? I just need to go.

God, help me as I try.

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