Friday, May 21, 2004

This one's for you Todd. I am officially moved in to my office. I have internet access and everything. I am practically a networking guru by now. At least, I should be with all of the things that I have learned in trying to get a wireless network set up around here. I haven't had much time to blog or surf in a while. Things are much busier here at the church than when I was an unemployed hack.

We have been experiencing some drama here recently. The woman who was in charge of the youth before me is not very happy about being replaced as the top leader. I have not tried to exclude her from leadership completely, but she is upset that she is not the head honcho anymore. I am doing my best to act Christ-like towards her, and I believe that I have so far. At this point, the ball is in her court and I have resorted to simply praying for her.

I can't wait to get out of my parents' house. I feel that I have regressed from being a man and a grown up in so many ways. Being treated like a child helps me to act like a child. It will be good to be independent from them again. I wonder how our relationship will change once we move out. I've never lived in the same town as them without living with them. Visiting their house and having it not be my house will be interesting.

Randy Johnson is my father. Enough said.

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