Wednesday, April 28, 2004

Well, it is now official. I am the new associate minister at Gilbert Christian Church in Gilbert, AZ. Right now, I don't have a salary, but I am praying and seeking out friends and colleagues to help with that. I am very excited. While working on a DVD for some of my former students, I found myself missing being involved in their lives very much. Now, I could just volunteer at the local megachurch, but then I would be ignoring the calling that I feel towards GCC. It's odd, six months ago I would have never thought to do vocational ministry again. Now, I feel positive that God has called me back into it.

I am so excited about so many things. I am excited to start new relationships. I'm excited to see God change lives. I'm excited to see God provide for my family in a serendipitous kind of way. It feels good to have a more focused purpose. I understand that my general purpose is to give glory to God. But this feels wonderful. I hope that I will remember this conviction when times get tough again. I am sure that they will, and I must use more than my emotions to ride out the storm. He will be with me again. I love Him!

Saturday, April 24, 2004

Pat Tillman is dead. I never saw it coming. I knew that he was brave for joining the Army so that he could help fight terrorism, but i never considered the fact that he could actually die. This guy gave up everything for one cause. A cause that I don't even believe in very strongly. I have a much better cause than he did, and yet I show remarkably little passion towards my cause.

My cause is to become more and more like Jesus every day. I act as if I have many more decades in which to accomplish this. Days, weeks, and months pass by quickly, and I hardly blink. I watch the world around me change and wish that I could be a part of it. I want to change the world now. I don't want to start a path that someday might change the world. That is not good enough. What if I choose the wrong path? What if something goes wrong? What if I fail? What if it is different than I planned it to be? Who cares? I just need to go.

God, help me as I try.

Wednesday, April 21, 2004

Some of us at the ooze have been talking about a possible draft into the military. Actually, there has been a lot of political talk over there as of late. I'm not sure what I think about all of that. I saw today that Ralph Nader has 6% of the vote according to polls. I want John McCain to be our president. He has been a P.O.W. and he knows the horrors of war. If this whole mess is just Bush pursuing his own agendas, then McCain would get us out. If it is a worthy cause, then he will see the job through. But, admittedly, I don't know much about politics. And, when I am in doubt, I usually go with the Arizona connection.

Its funny how much I have grown over the past five months without realizing it. I can remember even one month ago, wondering if I was going to learn anything from some of the pain that Kim and I have gone through. Now, a purpose seems to be coming through from the smoke of the past. I believe I had a "grass is greener" type of attitude towards life outside of the institutional church. I had always struggled with completely writing off the I.C. as something that was wrong. I have many friends and others whom I greatly respect who are involved, after all. I still see a lot of the warts, but I also see a lot of potential. My hang up with people being paid for ministry has lessened greatly. Why didn't I question whether or not it was ok for anyone to profit on anything that they are paid for. It turns out, if there are people willing to pay me to do what I do, it may not be as unethical as I once thought. Granted, some people make WAY too much money for "ministry". But making a salary akin to a school teacher is not as greedy as I once thought.

I think that more than anything, if this ministry gig works out, I will pay closer attention to my time management. It has been said that people on a salary (as opposed to commission or an hourly wage) are some of the laziest people in the world. "Why work harder, when working lighter pays the same way?" Without integrity, a salary can be a dangerous thing.

Saturday, April 17, 2004

Wayne Jacobsen is speaking in Vegas tonight. Actually, if I were there, I might be speaking with him right now. But I'm not there and I am sad. Why do money troubles worry me so? Why can't I just be satisfied with what God provides?

I went to a job fair today and got a couple of leads. One is working for Child Protective Services as a caseworker. The other is working for Pulte Homes as a Customer Service Representative. I'm excited about both, but the CSR one sounds more appealing at this point. I'd still like to raise some funds to do a DVD making ministry, but I don't want to ask my friends and family for support. I am going to ask some of the big churches around here and maybe write a letter to Jerry Colangelo. Stupid money.

Thursday, April 15, 2004

Oompa, loompa, doopa dee doo. I've got to go to bed early. I'm not happy about that. Randy and I had a good talk today about hell and eternal life. I had thought that he knew where I was leaning on those issues. I was wrong. Sometimes I forget who I have certain conversations with and I don't want to be that guy who tells people the same things over and over. So instead, I'm that guy who always says, "Didn't I tell you this already?" Oh well.

How does God use politics? Does God "need" politicians to make His world run His way? I don't know man. It would be fun to be the president. I wonder what type of person makes a good president. Is it a wise person who sticks to their intuition and sense of ethics/morals? Or is it a person who surrounds himself with wise people and "takes polls" (so to speak) on what the wise decision should be. I would lean more towards the former, but with a little bit of the latter. David Palmer is a good president. I watch too much TV.

Tuesday, April 13, 2004

Thanks to those who left comments. It has helped to validate my life. I'm only partly kidding. I have had an unnatural optimism lately. Perhaps it is supernatural. I am humbled by the people who love me and pray for me.

I met with the senior minister from a church here in Gilbert today. We had lunch and we talked about their recent church split. It was sad, but not altogether unbelievable. I know what church folk are capable of. We also talked about me coming on board and working there part time. It wouldn't pay much, but I am feeling led by God to investigate it. Really. I almost feel called there. This doesn't help me in my efforts to be a part of a house church, but I really need to relinquish those dreams back to God anyway. Somewhere along the line, I took them out of His hands and tweaked them for myself.

I feel the burden of my calling a lot more lately. For a while there, I was beginning to believe that I had misunderstood my calling. But, the more that I looked into strictly secular work, the more I was convicted that God would rather have my contribution to society to be more in a professional ministry sense. I don't really get this. Its as if my mind and my heart (spiritual ears?) are at war with each other.

God is good and He continues to speak to me. I would be wise to listen.

Saturday, April 10, 2004

This is a great article that makes me miss my friends more than ever. What is it about guys that make us love each other so much without being gay? Here it is. Enjoy.

Friday, April 09, 2004

I just found out that one of my friends from high school has skin cancer. It's in stage 4 and it has spread to his lymph nodes and beyond. He was one of my best Mormon friends. We lived about a block away from each other and spent quite a bit of time together during my Jr. and Sr. years of high school. We car pooled to volleyball practice quite a bit during those years. He was recently married and he has a wife who is six months pregnant with their first child.

I can't imagine what he is going through right now. I am hurt and confused right now. I bitch and moan about my finances a lot, but I try to keep a positive perspective about "the good things in life". I am healthy, I have a good support network of friends and family, and I don't have to worry about food or shelter. My friend just got his health snatched away. He may die soon. He's 24. I have seen death in my life, but always at a distance. The deaths of my grandparents in their old age were inevitabilities that didn't surprise me that much. I have have heard about and read about teens and young people dying before their time. But I haven't lost a friend yet.

I don't even know what to say to him. We haven't talked in over 5 years. I'm sure that we would hit it off if we ran into each other, but I'm just nervous about how to deal with this. Is it more loving of me to try to "evangelize" him while he is suffering at this time, or to pray hard and trust God to reveal Himself? Perhaps I can pray that God will lead me to evangelize him. I don't know. I'm still trying to deal with this.
I just had a good IM conversation with Lenny. I miss that guy. I'm excited to see what God will do with him in the real world. He has been a student ever since he was weaned (at five years old! Ok, it was like two, but still!). We are both very excited to be a part of Spiritual communities that we only dream about. Some of the stuff at Apex is close to what we talk about, but of course it is not exactly what we discuss.

I'm going stir crazy in my job hunt. It is difficult for me to pursue two job opportunities at one time. One always seems to be better than the other, but the other is usually the one that is available. So, instead of choosing one, I end up with neither. What a dilemma. I'm still hoping for the underwriting job to pan out. Hopefully it will happen soon. My wife and I are both going nuts living in my parents' spare bedroom. I think that she is going to kill someone soon.

There are a lot of movies that I would like to see right now. Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind looks very interesting. The Garden state has me very excited. Anything with Vince Vaughn really gets my motor running. 24 is such a great TV show. I kind of don't want it to end, but I kind of want it to end on top. Michael Jordan and Magic Johnson both tarnished their images by not leaving and staying gone. Well, this post needs to end. So be it.

Thursday, April 08, 2004

Check this out. This is so funny. Its a video satire of what many people think that Jesus is like. Click here. I loved it. There are three others. Simply put a "2","3", or "4" in the browser bar after "Jesus" where the "1" is now. The third one is my favorite. Enjoy.
Welcome to my little corner of the web. I'm a rookie at blogging, so let me know if there are things that I can do to make it better. This should be fun.